Foment de l’ús de la lengua catalana

El Consell de Mallorca ha atorgat una subvenció a Castellitx Agrícola SAT (Treurer) per al foment de l’ús de la lengua catalana (BOIB núm. 64, de 16 de maig).

Miguel Miralles

Miquel Miralles, Treurer's CEO, is part of the owner family, being already the second generation involved in the project. He has a background in economics and law, and has taken numerous courses related to foreign trade, olive agronomy and extra virgin olive oil production techniques. His training and experience of more than 15 years in the world of olive oil are her guarantee to lead this project.

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Treurer implanta un projecte d’economia circular

El mes de setembre de 2022, Treurer ha implantat un projecte d'economia circular en paral·lel…

2 years hace